Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff FFCB:
LIVING OUT THE PLAN , This book "Living Out The Plan" is a true-life adventure. The main character is the author himself who moved from Sri Lanka to England and then to Africa before making his final tent in Australia. An innate teacher, he never really deviated from that calling in life. While much of the book tells of his successful contribution to the expansive world of teaching, it is also a story of personal loss and tragedy as exemplified by his account of the loss of his dear wife, Jasmine, whom the author traveled the world with their three sons. He fondly remembers his wife for her understanding and support she readily rendered to his life's success and contentment. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 18.76 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Croissance et Développement au Cameroun , Croissance et Développement au Cameroun : D'une Croissance Equilibrée à un Développement Equitable is on the economy in Cameroon, and it is in line with sustainable development logic and its conditions in terms of economic, social and ecological sustainability. While following this logic, the book also focuses on two main dimensions, namely: economic and social dimensions. According to the book, the Cameroon economy is characterized by enormous resources and huge potentials; yet, the poverty level remains relatively very high. A combination of a short medium term and long term vision has become indispensable to achieving sustainable development. Sustainable development can be understood through several dimensions mainly economic, social and ecological. Ssustainable, in economic terms implies balance development through time and different sections/groups of the society. However, in social terms, sustainable development also implies equity, which translates to sharply reduction of poverty or completely elimination of poverty and maintaining such through time and generations. Finally, it is a question of development which aims at ensuring that growth acquired is not jeopardized by serious social imbalances at the detriment of current generations as well as future generations. Furthermore, the book focuses on environmental issues. Within this framework, as the main objective, the book articulates growth, equity and balanced growth. This volume, therefore, brings out these challenges and suggests appropriate strategies for addressing them. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 69.29 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Creighton , The book ""Creighton: Biographical Sketches Of Edward Creighton, John A. Creighton, Mary Lucretia Creighton, Sarah Emily Creighton"" is a historical account written by Patrick Aloysius Mullens and published in 1901. The book provides detailed biographical sketches of four prominent members of the Creighton family: Edward Creighton, John A. Creighton, Mary Lucretia Creighton, and Sarah Emily Creighton. Edward Creighton was a successful businessman and philanthropist who played a significant role in the development of the telegraph industry in the United States. John A. Creighton was his younger brother and also a successful businessman who co-founded the Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Mary Lucretia Creighton was Edward's wife and a notable philanthropist who contributed to various charitable causes. Sarah Emily Creighton was John's wife and a prominent socialite who was involved in many cultural and charitable organizations.The book delves into the personal and professional lives of these four individuals, providing insights into their achievements, struggles, and contributions to society. The author also explores the broader historical context of the time, including the development of the telegraph industry, the growth of Omaha as a major city, and the role of philanthropy in American society.Overall, ""Creighton: Biographical Sketches Of Edward Creighton, John A. Creighton, Mary Lucretia Creighton, Sarah Emily Creighton"" is a well-researched and engaging historical account that offers valuable insights into the lives of four influential individuals and their impact on American society.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work. , >
Preis: 23.60 € | Versand*: 0 €
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